Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fuck you Showa Riders, suck my dick.

Kamen rider decade has done the inevitable, it has literally turned the old school riders into nothing but drones for the new school riders. Now, I can excuse the new gen riders for sucking balls, but they cannot do this to the old school kamen riders. That's like a student of da vinci taking the david and re-sculpting it into a giant penis. It's just wrong and shouldn't be done. man, fuck you Toei, I hope your company goes fucking bankrupt.

This is where the news appeared.


1 comment:

dylanio21 said...

Yeah it sucks when they take the old stuff and try to go back and ruin it. That's why I liked the new Star Trek...it said only some Bizarro Kirk could not be played by Will Shatner..because Shatner is the real Kirk.